söndag 22 oktober 2017


Punakaiki is most famous for the Pancake Rocks. A short walk full of tourists looking at the geological phenomenon.
But while I was here I also walked along the Pororari river 

and took a sunset walk along the beach.

lördag 21 oktober 2017


One night in Greymouth to charge my batteries. I went for a short walk in the morning.

fredag 20 oktober 2017

Lake Kaniere

Two days ago I managed to hitchhike all the way up to Lake Kaniere. Then I walked to the other end of the lake and up to Mount Brown hut while the sun was setting.

 The next day I walked down the other side of the mount and continued down the valley to Grassy Flat hut. Partly it was a rough path and my tighs are really tired now. But it was nice and beautiful.
Although I decided to walk out again before the rain come. Back to Lake Kaniere and hitched a ride with an english gentleman back to Hokitika. 

tisdag 17 oktober 2017


Before I left Canterbury I visited Sharons, my hosts, friend Vidhi who breeds haflingers <3

Then I took the bus back through Arthur's pass. A journey that made me slightly car sick the past two times I did it. Windy roads going up and down are tricky. 
But I'm feeling better now :-) I'm spending the night in Hokitika. I just missed the sunset. But the beach was nice anyway.

Going home

The last weeks I've done lots of walks with those two. They were good company!

fredag 13 oktober 2017


I stayed four days with lovely Kath & Dan and their kids Dylan & Shea at Wildside by Harihari. They have accommodation for travellers in two cosy cottages and a big garden for growing fruit, veggies and berries. Dan is a keen hunter so all the meat they eat is locally sourced from the bush ;-)

They took me to see the hot pools by the river and introduced me to their friends. I learnt how to butcher a goat and how to cook boysenberry jam.

söndag 1 oktober 2017

White herons and new born calves

This morning I helped milking the cows, then I rushed away on another adventure my host, Dan, had arranged for me. This time on water. I went with a group on Waitangiroto river to the only breeding place of white herons in New Zealand. There were plenty of herons and also some shags and royal spoonbills.
After being introduced to about half of the inhabitants of Whataroa, Dans friends, we fed the calves. Then we ended the day with the birth of a calf. It was lying upside down and the poor cow couldn't get it out. We pulled it out and left cow and calf in the paddock, hopefully happy and healthy.

Sky is no limit

Yesterday my current host arranged for me to take a spare seat (for free!) on a helicopter your. We flew over Franz Josef glacier and landed on Fox glacier. Then back over the rain forest. It was amazing! I love the tingling feeling when the helicopter is rising or decending.