måndag 15 maj 2017

Pigeon Bay

I'm wwoofing here:
with the Holten family. The house is situated above Pigeon Bay on Bank's Peninsula. Everyday I enjoy beautiful sunrises and sunsets, and in between the bay is constantly changing. One moment we're shrouded in clouds and a couple of hours later the wind is tearing up the cover and the sun colours the hills golden. The family is nice and interesting. They are selfsufficient, so I've mostly worked in the garden (planting onions, garlic, cabbage, salad; harvested carrots and potatoes; weeding; mulching; spreading kompost, minerals and sheep manure). It has been very interesting to see their food processing. They've slaughtered two pigs while I was here, dried herbs, made their own pasta, müsli and toothpaste. But mostly we eat vegetables, homemade cheese and homebaked bread. Cornelia also has her own business making herbal remedies http://korukai.co.nz/
I've learnt a lot about gardening and herbs. 

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